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Welsh Government to hand councils power to crackdown on cross-bordering taxis

The Welsh Government has unveiled plans to introduce 'national minimum standards' for taxi licences in a bid to tackle 'cross-bordering'.

Outlining its plans in the Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle (Wales) Bill white paper today (9 March), the Welsh Government said the standards would help 'level the playing field' for taxi and private hire vehicle drivers in Wales.

'Cross-bordering' is where taxis and private hire vehicles licensed by one local authority operate in another local authority area. The practice can lead to unfair competition, especially for those licensed to higher standards, the Welsh Government said.

The white paper proposals would give more tools to local authorities to allow enforcement of vehicles and drivers operating out of area. The white paper also outlines a plan to introduce mandatory training for drivers.

The Deputy Minister for Climate Change, with responsibility for Transport, Lee Waters said the taxi and private hire vehicle sector has changed "rapidly" in recent years, "and quite simply the legislative framework has not kept up with the pace of change".

"Having worked closely with the industry the proposals we are putting forward will help address some of the most pressing issues facing the sector, and will help to deliver a better, safer, and more consistent service across Wales."

Adam Carey